Saturday, January 3, 2009

Back to the drawing board...

Today is a beautiful day! I went out for a walk. Admittedly I have not been out since last year :-) I got to the PO and found it stuffed with mail. I guess that's what happens when I only check it once weekly, LOL. I did get a copy of Wine Spectator. I like this magazine, it's very informative and I do like my wine.

One ad caught my eye and is worth mentioning, if only for the "you've got to be kidding, seriously?!" value. Apparently Riedel Crystal has a beautiful wine glass (notice the singular), with a price tag of only, hold on to your hat...$119,000. Yes, that's right. I had to look again too! Must be some wine glass. I think I'll pass for now.

I tried working on the drop spindle again only to end up in tears. But, I am not giving up on this! Oh no. I belong to a wannabe spinners group on Ravelry and have found so much help, it's truly remarkable the amount of people who want to help pass on their knowledge. So after having read posts from these incredibly helpful folks I am now ready to try again. This time with a bit more confidence and maybe patience (something I am learning to acquire).

So, back home again and there the materials sit, staring at me, daring me to get started again. Where is that confidence I had earlier? Oh, it's still there...cowardly hiding. Fine then. Oops, the pot of beans I have on is going to boil dry if I don't pay attention to it...nice excuse, huh?!

Well, in the meantime I am making a lovely fish scale neck warmer. The color is called "@ The Beach". It is a lovely 100% merino wool from Noelle's Noodles, gotta love that name. And what a better color name, I love the beach and since I am not there now what better way to enjoy it than have soothing ocean music playing and knitting with a fibre named after it.

~Yes, I digress, purposely...

1 comment:

paula said...

I wonder if my Secret Sister will buy me that wine glass . . . If she really loved me she would!