Tuesday, November 25, 2008

First SNB...

So, last night I went to my first SNB. I really didn't know what to expect and what I found was quite interesting. The people I met were very nice and seeing their work and the yarns they were using was very inspiring. I like meeting new people and new yarns attached to these new people...

Then today, after I'd been stressed all day waiting, the news came about the position I was trying for. I wasn't chosen. At first I was a little bummed, but, then I realized this is only but a small bump in this road that has been strewn lately with potholes. Then I felt better. It didn't matter, there is surely a reason for this set back. Goodness knows I could really use the extra revenue this position would provide. Okay so I didn't get it, the world didn't come to an end. Let it go; move on.

Back to the drawing board...

1 comment:

paula said...

What is an SNB?

Anything to do with SNoBs?
