Monday, November 2, 2009

Vest is progressing...

My vest is progressing nicely, of course I missed my deadline goal of having it finished by yesterday, but, there are reasons for that!  Last Wednesday I joined my first spinning class and finally by yesterday I was able to sit down and get the wool under control...there is definitely value in learning the entire process as I am now finding out and am so glad to be learning this.  Mona is a brilliant, patient teacher of all things spinning and I am so thankful for her!

So now that I have my rolags done and have a new spindle, invested in the less expensive one just in case this adventure doesn't work out, only to discover I really am liking the weight of it AND working with the wool I prepared myself is also turning out to be far superior to the purchased roving I bought last year.  Yes, it's taken me this long to get this under control!

Okay, I have the set up right, at least it looks right and I have my rolag far, why isn't it spinning like I want it to?  I have the "triangle" under control and the "pinch" also under control...hmmm, more practice is needed...

~Off to practice a bit...

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