Friday, August 21, 2009

Here's some pix of my favorite place...Newport, OR

This is my son, Eric, and I during a trip we took to Newport a couple of weeks ago. The bridge is a beautiful old bridge and my absolute favorite in all of Oregon; we were standing at the Port of Newport when we took that shot and the others were along the docks and some at the beach itself. The house is actually a hotel of sorts and I just loved how it offered itself for such a picture...perfection! The area along Nye St just seems to take me back in time and this house fit perfectly with that sense...I love Oregon! I didn't bring my knitting on this trip because I wanted to soak in the sun and enjoy the day with Eric. We always have such a great time together, he is my dearest and truest friend. We were wishing my daughter, Tabitha were with us and hopefully she will be able to come out next year so we can all go cruising together. She's in Ohio right now and is planning a move to Missouri of all places. I apologize ahead of time to anyone who has an affection for MO, I mean no harm. I have to be by the ocean and cannot understand why anyone would not want to be here! At any rate, that's her choice and we respect her for it. The only thing in life that matters anyway is being true to oneself and making that self happy, right?! Right! And as long as my kids are happy so am I!

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